I took a major step forward in improving my mental health by walking away from Facebook today. The toxicity of the platform is disheartening, and the level of stupidity is reaching heights I never thought were achievable. I am committed to making the sabbatical a long one. On to better health!
Why Do We Sacrifice Mental Heath to get Paid?
I wish I had the answer! At what point does your mental health take precedent in your career? It is not an easy discussion as we all have bills to pay, but the career wins out over mental health, and we lose too often. As a person who struggles to maintain proper balance, I know…
I Need to Prioritize My Goals
As I age another year, the one regret I have is that I always ceded control of my professional future to other people, and as a result, I never prioritize my needs and desires. I always focused on interviewing correctly, telling people what they wanted to hear, and doing what was necessary to keep my…
There Might be a Reason the Grass is Greener
As I have gotten older, I have become less tolerant of people wasting my time. Why? Because I am closer to the end and not the beginning of my life. Why? I am not afraid of hard work, but I need a valid justification on why I need to sacrifice my time for you. The…
Why Are We So Mean? Be Nice!
Why are we so mean? Why has being mean the default action when people or firms are pursuing their agenda. Corporate America raises expectations to achieve growth goals yet provides fewer resources in pay and benefits to keep costs in line. If the goals are missed, leadership implements layoffs or outsourcing to meet the expectations….
A New Way to Educate Yourself
I started a new job earlier this month that presented an unforeseen benefit: Educating myself during the commute. My commute is about an hour each way but limited traffic, so instead of listening to XM or the local sports radio station ramble on about the Red Sox and the Patriots, I started listening to audiobooks…
It’s Now or Never, and You will Never be Ready!
It’s now or never! Which is it going to be? The choice is yours and yours alone. Everybody gets one lap around this wonderful blue marble so might as well make the best of it. How many times have you come up with an idea and then said screw it because you thought people would…
What Stops You From a Happy Life? Excuses
That’s right. The path to a happy life is stopped by simple excuses. Hell, I was talking myself out of writing this post. If you want to accomplish anything, you will need to stop listening to your excuses. Maybe you won’t break a 4-minute mile, is that a good reason you sit on the LazyBoy…
Been Gone for Too Long and I Need to Change
The first half of 2021 did not treat me well. I am at a career crossroads, unsure what I want to do next. I am close to retirement but at the same time, I feel I have many uncompleted goals to accomplish. Admittedly COVID impacted any form of travel in 2020, killed the concert scene…
Comfort Zone? Expand!
Many people point to Robert Frost’s “Two roads diverged in a wood and I,I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference “as inspiration to get outside their comfort zone. Not a bad plan to enjoy life. Many people interpret Frost’s verse as a requirement to choose a path few…