The first half of 2021 did not treat me well. I am at a career crossroads, unsure what I want to do next. I am close to retirement but at the same time, I feel I have many uncompleted goals to accomplish. Admittedly COVID impacted any form of travel in 2020, killed the concert scene that at times act as my therapy, and work restructuring effectively reduced my role at work. I am one of the fortunate people that never lost my job and was able to work from home. Still are and that won’t change until next year at the earliest. So my problems are truly first-world issues.
That said, there is no reason why I should not enjoy my life. But at what point do I throw caution to the wind and try something that I am passionate about. I feel like crap every day and the dread I feel on Sundays can be debilitating. I have to change but not sure how.
Right now my goal is to be able to attempt the 29029 Everest event next year. I discovered the event following Colin O’Brady and while it appears to be a brutal challenge, I feel I need to attempt it to discover what I have inside of me. I started training this week by stepping on a scale. Covid inactivity was not kind. I’ve tried to walk/jog at least 3 miles a day and monitoring what I eat and lost nearly 4 pounds this week. My neighborhood has some decent elevation changes so it is a good workout.
Going to see where this takes me. I am banking on the training discipline to improve other areas of my life.
More to come…